Thursday, October 16, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Sweetheart Labyrinth Cups!

Did you ever want gargle water from a Firey or Ludo cup after brushing your teeth? 
Well, I was shocked to discover that you could do just that!

In 1986, the Sweetheart company released not one, but two different sets of Labyrinth cups!

The set of 40 9oz "Cold Cups", had two designs.

Hoggle and Sir Diddymus share opposite sides of one cup and Ludo and a Firey on the other.

The set of 100 "Kitchen Cups" contained smaller 5oz cups. 

These cups featured Ludo, Firey, Sir  Diddymus, Hoggle, and a Goblin on their own separate cups and with different designs. 

Both sets featured a mail away offer for a Labyrinth movie poster. 

What makes these even more special is, at the time of this post, these do not yet exist on the Muppet Wiki!

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