Monday, June 4, 2018

The Muppets Break The Trailer!

The brand new trailer for Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 premiered today and you'll see a few familiar faces starting at the 1:25 mark:

As you can see, there will be plenty of Disney synergy in this movie. With Eeyore, Iron Man, The Millennium Falcon, and the Disney Princess all making cameos.

Even The Muppets show up, though solely in the background. Kermit, flying high above the  The Muppet Show logo...

and a banner featuring Beaker!

It's odd though that each of the main Disney brands get their own usual umbrella title, but the Muppets get labeled as "The Muppet Show" and not "The Muppets."

UPDATE: If you look closely under The Muppet Show logo, you can see the modern Muppet logo like the one below as well. 
Here's hoping we see some actual Muppet cameos in the film, and not just background set dressing when the film come out n November 21.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Yay for cameo, but...

    It's a 90-minute commercial and product placement... ad. Wow. THAT'S what Disney has become reduced to? And why the heck is Pocahontas waving and weapon from a completely different tribe around? Pass. I want this kinda crap, I can watch... commercials.
