Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Funko Dark Crystal ReAction Figures!

We first heard rumblings about possible Dark Crystal Funko ReAction figures two years ago at Toy Fair. 

They've been pretty silent about any new details, until last last week when toy sculptor Tim Clarke started sharing his work on the figures on his instagram page. 

If you're not familiar with Funko's ReAction figure line, they'e vintage-looking fingures meant to resemble Kenner's Star Wars line from the 1980's.

Hasbro planned to release a set of Dark Crystal figures in 1983 to coincide with the original theatrical release of the film. The figures were designed, prototypes were built, and cards backs were printed, but at the last they minute decide not to put them into production and the toys were never officially released.

Clarke actually sculpted and designed the Mystics and the Slaves for The Dark Crystal film itself. He also worked on puppets for Sesame StreetThe Muppet Show, and Fraggle Rock where he created Traveling Matt. 

Tim's first toy sculpting gig, came right after Dark Crystal creating the Garthim, Mystics and Lanstrider toys with Hasbro.

As you can see from the image above, the ReAction figures are based on his original sculpts, but will now have more detail!

So far Jen, Kira, Fizzgig, and Aughra are in the early stages are production. 

We hope the the rest of the original line gets ReActioned as well. We'll keep you posted with any more details as they emerge. 


  1. I just got the Landstrider and Jen set at Toys R Us! I couldn't believe it... Better yet (or so I thought)' the back of the box promises Aughra, a Mystic, the Skeksis Chamberlain... And best of all, a Garthim! I was thinking they'd never release a Garthim figure. I asked at the front of the store if they could order me the Garthim set (which boasted a winged Kira and Fizzgig, no less!)... And then the bubble burst... All they carried was the Jen and Landstrider set in my hand. When I got back home, a quick search of Amazon and eBay revealed the same single set.

    So what's the deal?

  2. I just got the Landstrider and Jen set at Toys R Us! I couldn't believe it... Better yet (or so I thought)' the back of the box promises Aughra, a Mystic, the Skeksis Chamberlain... And best of all, a Garthim! I was thinking they'd never release a Garthim figure. I asked at the front of the store if they could order me the Garthim set (which boasted a winged Kira and Fizzgig, no less!)... And then the bubble burst... All they carried was the Jen and Landstrider set in my hand. When I got back home, a quick search of Amazon and eBay revealed the same single set.

    So what's the deal?

  3. Much to my delight, I found the Jen and Landstrider at a Toys R Us while visiting family out of town. As soon as I saw the other figures advertised on the back, I asked at the front desk if they could order any of the other figures... notably the GARTHIM! But alas, they only had access to the set I had in hand, and a quick scan of both Amazon and ebay weren't much more helpful...

    So what's the story on the others?

    1. Funko teamed up with Toys R Us to release the Landstrider & Jen set which was a SDCC exclusive. The Garthim & Kira set is a NYCC exclusive and Funko has not announced yet if they will have an additional retail partner.

      As for the standard figures we should know more in a next few weeks about where to find them.

  4. Gonna repaint a couple Garthims and add purple LED eyes, gonna be sweet!
