Monday, April 24, 2017

We're 5, We're 5, We're A Big Blog Now, We're 5!

5 years ago we launched our little blog! We hope you've all enjoyed it so far!

Let's hear it for 5!

The 5th episode of The Muppet Show not only featured Rita Moreno, who won an Emmy for her appearance,

but it featured the first appearance of Veterinarians' Hospital!

The 5th episode of The Muppets featured a battle between Reese Witherspoon and Miss Piggy:

And Fozzie's girlfriend serenading him with "True Colors":

Depending on what order you look look at, the 5th episode of Muppets Tonight also featured a female guest star, Cindy Crawford, and one of my personal favorite Muppets scenes of all time (7:03 mark):

5. That's that number of the day! Ha ha ha!!!

1 comment:

  1. You left out my favorite 5 song from Sesame: Give Me Five with Luis, Bob, Gordon and David. 1, 2, 3, 4 but if you love me more, give me 5, give me 5. That's classic!
