Friday, October 30, 2015

Muppet Halloween Costumes on ABC!

The Muppets may have a new ABC show, but that's not the only place they popped up on the alphabet network this week.

Immediately following the latest episode of the show Tuesday, Fresh Off The Boat aired a Halloween episode that featured two Muppet costumes. 

While the show takes place in the early nineties, neither of of these costumes is period accurate. 

Check out the scene below:

Fresh Off The Boat  wasn't the only ABC show this week to feature a Muppet costume either. Wednesday night on The Goldberg's, a neighborhood kid dressed up as Kermit.

"Kermit" was seen a few times throughout the episode!

While also not period accurate, we'll cut the kid some slack- maybe his mom made it. 

Anyway it's always great to see random Muppet love! 

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. Hi I was wondering why The Muppets costumes are not period accurate for the 1980s & 1990s, since The Muppets have been around since 1978?
